Dec 26, 2019
Anxiety in the suburbs is rampant and I see firsthand how it is affecting the marriages of Australia. It's putting strain and stress on marriages and not creating room for pleasure and desire. Understanding it and healing it will make for a much happier empowered marriage.
Do I have anxiety? 2 Questions to...
Dec 19, 2019
When did you last reflect on your marriage and the reality you are living?
What is the reality of your marriage, not the stories in your head?
Are you in an Empowered marriage filled with passion, desire and love?
Map your marriage looks at the 10 different areas that make up your marriage (From Prepare-Enrich Marriage...
Dec 12, 2019
If you are feeling more like roommates and best friends, not lovers, then I'd encourage you to look at your relationship. The longer you leave this, the harder it is to come back from. It’s very painful if you are in this position in your marriage. Desire is about staying open to yourself and your partner.
The mystery...
Dec 5, 2019
Deciding you want to change this and live in a calmer way; a thriving way is a personal decision and often brought on because it’s affecting the quality of your marriage.
9 signs that you are overcoming adrenaline addiction will help and support you through this transition. The adrenaline was like a drug for you,...
Nov 27, 2019
The Cost to you and your marriage
You get busier and busier with no relief in sight. You push and
push yourself and create situations to get a hit of adrenaline.
Extended periods of stress will in time catch up to you and roll
into chronic stress which will in time affect your health. You
cannot live this way forever...