Dec 15, 2021
Dec 1, 2021
In a relationship, your partner can trigger you and push all your buttons and show you what you need to heal. “I feel trapped, caged, controlled and stifled”, is an opportunity to stop blaming and being a victim.
It’s very easy to blame for the limitations in your life. Your partner can be the strongest resource...
Nov 17, 2021
So many of us neglect ourselves, reject ourselves, put ourselves way down in the pecking order. I get it, it’s extremely challenging to balance all the moving parts of your life and having specific roles often takes first place.
We look outside of ourselves to seek what we internally need and particularly from our...
Nov 4, 2021
The biggest breakup to relationships is the bickering and the disconnect. Your impatience, annoyance, and intolerance of your partner break down the communication and connection.
Freeing yourself from your arguing and fighting takes time and energy. Uncovering the needs and expectations you bring to...
Oct 21, 2021
“I will be happy when I have the cash and the new man. Let’s also add in the new career, new wardrobe and the flash car.”
Is this you?
You are highly charged, reactive and swing like a pendulum according to the outside triggers.
This is a tough way to live life and a lot of us live like this. Safety, security...