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Empowered Marriage

"The Power of Change is within you."

Mar 2, 2022

All couples have disagreements, misunderstandings and arguments. The quality of your relationship is in how well you resolve, let go and get back into living in the present moment.

A couple’s ability to repair their conflict is so important, not in their ability to avoid it. Avoiding it is very unhealthy as problems build, patterns are formed, resentment builds, and a fracture occurs in a relationship. In time this affects the level of love and intimacy, and damage can be irreparable.

Successful conflict resolution sets aside the regrettable incident when it's worked thru and leaves it in the past. On the other hand, repair may be unsuccessful, in which case it may amplify the problem and continue to be the source of negativity and resentment into the future.

Learning how to do it differently is crucial for a long term relationship and an Empowered Marriage.


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