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Empowered Marriage

"The Power of Change is within you."

Jul 31, 2019

Do you want to feel more vibrant, centred and whole in your marriage?  Negative energy can become locked in the body and suppressed when you are unable to fully express yourself during emotional times which can create a lot of issues in your marriage.

You can feel unmotivated, exhausted, no libido, lazy, sad, stressed, depressed, anxious, lost your mojo, you procrastinate, little focus, no passion, no drive. When you release suppressed energy, you will notice a huge difference as your body goes into a higher vibrational state and becomes more alive and open. The more of your past that is released the more joy, excitement and passion you will have for life in the present moment. Releasing energy takes time, patience and willingness.

Learn how to move blocked energy yourself, ground your energy and remove negative energy resulting in you feeling more empowered in yourself which will ripple thru into your marriage.