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Empowered Marriage

"The Power of Change is within you."

Apr 21, 2021

Here are the most common problems I see in my counselling sessions.  The longer you leave these issues unexplored the harder it is to find a resolution.

  • Sexual issues
  • Different views about money
  • Lack of common goals
  • Feeling misunderstood by partner
  • Difficulty in openly expressing feelings and thoughts.
  • Difficulty in expressing love and affection.
  • Different interests
  • Different parenting views
  • Power struggles

Begin with reflecting on why your marriage is not working:

Be honest and speak truthfully as to why the marriage isn’t working. Use I statements, have turns in sharing, talking, and listening, regularly.

To start thinking about the changes that you can begin making is a great place to start.  Just creating space to look at this is a positive start.